Couldn’t find something?
It may well be that our online catalogue is not updated yet. We have a vast network of ingredients, our supply chain team will be happy to entertain any ingrendient enquiry.
We release compatibility changes for new Magento versions and bug fixes as soon as possible. You can always download new Conflict Detector module versions archive on our website or via the composer. In case you need some new features or if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us.
Version 2.1.2 (July 20, 2022)
Version 2.1.1 (November 29, 2021)
Version 2.0.5 (August 31, 2020)
Version 2.0.4 (April 25, 2018)
Version 2.0.3 (November 21, 2017)
Version 2.0.2 (August 14, 2017)
Version 2.0.1 (July 03, 2017)
Version 2.0.0 (July 01, 2017)