Якщо ви вирішили поповнити словниковий запас англійських слів, та ще й працюєте з Magento 2 цей список можливо стане вам у пригоді. Віримо що чимало слів вам уже знайомі, але якісь точно будуть новими. Ми не надаємо їх перекладу, переклад ви можете легко знайти із відкритих джерел :-)
the not please you for this order product your and new with enter attribute products address shipping are payment add customer value invalid paypal number account template tax name store default delete valid has type cannot error file save select information from password been all use set cart credit price code have page item options url group list option wrong must only total items will required does method sure link date search field rate create more edit found card status transaction image billing view express that went something category data specified while available update checkout than invoice now settings amount message was stock exist shipment can try want rule selected priority there empty again allowed enable sku correct wish right saved shopping characters website user specify display qty custom deleted when quantity created remove flat key catalog review could already memo customers details change send time show exists report admin cache discount entity used currency block configuration request title find one gift apply out newsletter check same maximum envelope confirmation reset format last vat magento unable merchant here saving section requested refund base general comment system allow token box contact some first hold agreement greater match sorry occurred row attributes content backup sent back conditions ups terms sender sign coupon mode failed action import equal files contains sort path orders subscription provided get log label current integration day other letters enabled lifetime updated because applicable see values payments but text service international advanced api addresses widget each based sales media should make cms subtotal longer start design countries click tracking rates images choose manage size before class country continue numbers instance weight prices ship another copy disabled theme access later site handling recently reviews incorrect per purchase viewed response model consumer any minimum using unique cancel after web scope length associated fee additional between directory validation need verification into were role specific less package free grid categories storefront multiple xml object pickup state canceled exception refresh gateway incl next about synonym process range expiration types guest rating letter description login websites server rewrite messages spaces storage entered case defined config parent sitemap applied registered like symbols example alert following place cron input methods export summary these index days extension our too online existing static fields leave may downloadable retrieve generate excl results yes added zip form supported without reversal actions video secure contain database queue fallback chosen air financing compared condition advertise hostname settlement variable street seconds html upload grand configurable pages configurations worldwide confirm filter calculation statistics urls rules ordered home views permissions info position relic received above hours related quote color rss groups such removed complete pro history submit pending unknown business reporting creditmemo include phone meta least comments combination matched close errors different long paid column refunded skip conversion notification load capture disable reports assign header offline step learn move special visible threshold destination session during did clear many pay looks security sample buy fraud count anchor changes captcha below fixed logo emails coupons authorization due payflow assigned layout average track test digits large given authorize part fieldname alerts compare processing folder generated thank welcome period shown changed rebuild what undefined preview expired small none management most document javascript tier made support rows uploaded read operation basic fpt forgot delivery records suffix successfully solution character authorized query parameter every uses deleting receive limit dns positive void exceeds active original dynamic debit download carrier root open global availability encryption maintenance source entire writable placed minutes websiteid stores partners customergroup approved implement child protection avs max shipments labels previous classes withdrawal synonyms engine cookie being tokens currently including term identifier once displayed navigation translation redirect put invoices invoiced height debug swatch postal year braintree automatic browse saver variations freight shipped loading credentials post configure low duplicate through interface auto initialize region properties confirmed share accepted integrations purchases yet ftp validate percentage cost sensitive buyer reference users virtual http tld tab names excluding dropdown string blank production expression generation eav begin able proper well legal padded csv packages subscribed cvv recommended downloads numeric inactive always end reason local times scheduled optimization transfer percent require underscore shared define grouped feature refunds logged agreements setting unavailable blocks full element bundle prefix adapter timeout increments carts excel standard notify ground unit installed module lock setup return separated feed png creating synchronize balance comparison fedex hosted purchased command totals elasticsearch transactions extend window listing accept which temporarily location oauth locked payer month warning administrator voided automatically city book success calculate sub write |
modules schedule rollback backend allows regional templates requests let banner layered belonging note structure whether why insert give https inventory recent single turn insights browsers includes gif supplied connection unsubscribe take roles flush front equals accounts side placeholder increase unselect parameters certificate memos declared gallery issue domestic css etc dashboard deselect button today quantities inline bonus port loaded matching policy ipn owner recognize cookies subscribe mass table top space extensions storeid words ach goods charged retry adding dispute analytics interval locale width notified separately integer notice indexer tags resources documents version guaranteed until checkbox trying recipient taxes varnish hidden lockout currencies username dhl youtube pricing hide claims optional application compilation both register final unsupported adjustment their wishlist via work extends fieldvalue subject missing reserved help authentication verifier cards consult within redemption ratings sets soap pagination wait intelligence buyers bulk reached regular medium zero sizes processor captured merge belong program menu paypal’s denied fix declined ads event wysiwyg separate output host looking experience codes fetch acceptable priceto agree helps placing problems hour mark advertising shop connect instead successful boost provide links possible origin rejected chargeback submitted partner subscribers negative unsubscribed funding released point updating suggested frontend fax enough would resolved sidebar assignment charges dash requires declaration extended quotes ignored language network usps lower selection own signature joint further proxy placeholders lets alias trailing present leading authorizations mobile filters against alt identity early frequency unsecure matches visitor displays marketing sharing plus indexed association remaining sessions protocol returns component detect skus computer remember array replace unassigned line sending underscores refreshed commas services failure usage mask unless linked alternative wizard attempts economy two public perform never opt generating keywords revoked typing convert background lists thanks cleanup secret platinum vault callback level browser problem processed its non individual ignore correctly signed revoke pricefrom payable warnings thumbnail company closed manually environment failures developer done container settled bestsellers attention activated risk streamline minify passwords installation upper alphabetic representative resolve expecting switching behavior ask multishipping panel hints exclude inc manager entries accepting identified commerce separator persistence unsubscription press width}^{height faster customize target plain fit instructions cash attempt null feeds resolution client internal hello exceptions grace nonce unexpected sandbox apis resource overnight jpg checked buttons rewrites recovery approval industry stored finish redirected updates enabling clearing cleaned drag agent apps apm control determine down identify abandoned expedited decimal strategy frame synchronization bad protected transactional criteria upgrade wanted really visit direct terminated titles styles call concurrent domain map ssl actual moved objects investigation layouts proceed area optimize storing recommends completely customizable lines even packing merchants appear changing style profile left deny affected enhance entry united questions either marked jpeg tag permanent merged reimbursement adjust signifyd node larger phrase look past guarantee filterable had subscriptions funds friend getting readable named run chose merchant’s fill suspended partial starts localized guests follow duplicated backorders exact route suspected boxes implemented simple editor rename center packaging off residential live main translate development forms contents unlocked monthly divide met asynchronous postcards retail ends swatches executing stay performance visual canonical inconsistent preapproved arrow adminhtml handler keys cover navigate wants march provides essentials expand collapse arguments under prefer direction whole shirt assist social unreachable priced flushed gxg insecure detail itself importing defines navigating auction showing ebay sftp promotion schema bookmark better initiated subselection keyword might associate restriction instances ships middle goes min unspecified overview old located deposit clone filled decrease since reorganize verify opacity iso fully unlimited few included negotiated parcel fieldset kilo instantly ids renderer apparel white encoded hash we’ll demo detected nothing vehicle calendar everything lost stop themes features megabytes modifying protect soon identification latest punctuation declare enclosure reviewed edited signing easy cleared watermark gain internally synchronizing bundles chart equalize reassign reload globally reflection comparable splitting detection release notes activate identical charge collected addition translations unauthorized encountered compatible medical slashes consecutive entities simply decimals creates acceptance gear symbol vin administrators intervals score experiment experiments subsequent discard indexing promo writeable potential collection provider tools archive merges systems footwear œshoes selecting estimate activity second seller indexers outside american necessary pixels anonymous appending then leaving mirror localhost validating incentive also classtype editable statuses cached private contacts recommend telephone honor developers party specifies healthy footer uninstall submission applies very temporary uploading receiving exchange ddl keeps homepage capturing intl smart fetching voiding dictionary slip dashes subscriber who slow workflow clicking pak ips œincluding unassign completed except around approve exceeded hexadecimal unrefunded border dismiss popup ttl highly editing points result tasks caching publisher tube marketplace benefits ecosystem validator believe logging validated expires technology decoded |
strip imported execution province attributegroup append variables registering solutions immediately vimeo described extract submitting chooser suggestions others mapper appears reindex deliver fraudulent punycode remain notation they foreign php internet belongs disallows money force recommendations still brands retrieved known birth know trusted quickly confirming filtering worldlink zones attributeset operations alphanumeric invitee adult cancelled mixed bank daily timezone critical sale europe strong shareable authorizing decision backups communications ending shortcut unhold filename ready invalidated rectangular reorder merchandise visibility nickname customers’ obtained amounts expectations ide devdocs œwhat’s documentation rounding customization putting restored writing lose exported finished avi flv writer moments radio undone permanently recommendation swf begins moving coping xyz importexport autoincrement compounded mean regenerated suggestion complex halt kilobytes qualified gateways directives œbefore uncompressed windows comma relative tooltip hint backed cross combinations composite matter statistic refreshing filesystem disabling snapshot selector got expected creation trade bcc measure think een geldige datum script src functional tests skipping hier job orphan skipped attributecode initialized constraint violation joined running integrity vul sortorder nesting various across building collections interfaces queries edits describing indexes compiled traversal paths translated adwords formelement tables emulation increment resume posted miscellaneous comes drops fewest indeterminate unlock reviewing detecting assistance resetting needed mismatch regionid personal newsletters resend pathname just detailed people unsubscribing var subscribing embedded translating task moderation œretry vcl purge serve served failing limits bytes can’t strength recreate disassociated impacts maximal depth inserted watermarks beginning gesture parsing advertised directive consent insertion generic widgets spreadsheet inserting comply compiling skin ascending converter entryconverterinterface mediagalleryentryconverter productsku buyrequest pricetype customergroupid descending individually steps baseselectprocessorinterface offered pricier sites double choices removing unused relevance bucket disallow sold draw unshipped recalculate activities tiff issued distorted slips creditmemos retrieving customs delivered attached selections aggregated resolver uninvoiced holding modify returned popular minimal fulltext opened params identifying calling normal dimensions therefore canceling printable assigning unassigning inlining algorithms keep members incoming refer storages incorrectly hosting major unread inbox toolbar notices division divided subintervals those refunding electronic severity trees personalize software accessories food beverage grocery furniture improvement jewelry collect watches supplies outdoor camping pet pharma devices powered office fashion fds turned ahead missed itemid transparent executor forbidden filenames schedules improper samples attach europack break globalmail jetline jumbo replaced cavv explicitly called recalculated adjusted receipt reminder estimated seems onepage runs pager receiver calculated operator persistent persist sequence modulus scrollbar family deal stationery deployment good care plussm dedicated courrier intercity enforced intra rico commercial canada pallet license shipper enables puerto disables true acquire friends remind lowercase uppercase locking autocomplete mrs postcode semicolon gender firstname lastname forgotten separators separation discounts initial electronics configured commonly tailored suite rich accessed securely personalized becoming art driven toys beauty cosmetics books music magazines crafts parts installing games predefined viewing events deployments app logic replacing affect testmessage library postcard dvd deletion registration postponement convertible cipher envelopes reduce deadlock regions approves echeck holds mechanism balances verified premier ordering triggering suspecting spoof differ unsatisfactory defective damaged eligibility complaint triggered instant fetched hub risks standalone presented offer them season moment coordinated statustext misconfiguration ping auth permission argument connecting starting meter correlation acquirer reward voucher consolidation terminal near reversed important reauthorization future sortable though affects works handle cheapest flavor bundled moto billuser atm indicated pnref reading gross autosweep eft german postage banking businessrelated purchasing categorized referral function warranty advance dividend ability kilograms drop startup slash charts cases properly strict transport taken hsts sid errorpage community edition modified how utmost offloader renders weekend destinations copyright rights ver pregenerated combined preprocessed big week seo environments represents minification caches bundling european union symlinks station displaying chance expose personally identifiable activation granting configs timestamp potentially having undo blocker probability maxredirects locks national courier asks unsuccessful strongly plan recognition unpaid bought emailed referrals conversions accurate where whenever real cant videos autostart restart fatal coming zone needs restrictions signup override kount fees fault charset rest wsdl promotions unrequested technical awaiting disposition entrance webhook descriptors liability exceed salable switch logger progress clearance mysql delay improves computers locations securitycheckerinterface app:config:import searches duplicates setup:upgrade batch hyphens conflict performing heading capabilities breadcrumbs record localizedexception privacy disallowed capital recipients recipent unsafe sends locality œor shoes settling voice instrument uncheck illegal providing communicating incomplete prohibited cardholder doctype requirements meet settlements device checker deploy highest someone mind controller what’s jot respond contacting states issuer reject supporting compliant pci engagement interruptions entering perimeter ascii encouraged primary allowable retains children ranges counts colon endpoint confirms prevent established representing leaders logout anonymize marketplaces innovations essential fulfillment ecommerce experts recognized experiences subcategory best thriving themselves featured shortened platform power functions offering committed reserves grow designed sorting innovators depends |
Слова були отримані автоматично за допомогою скрипта:
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); define('MAGENTO2_FOLDER', '/var/www/html/magento'); /* Функція rglob взята зі сайту https://hotexamples.com/examples/-/-/rglob/php-rglob-function-examples.html */ function rglob($pattern = '*', $flags = 0, $path = '') { if (!$path && ($dir = dirname($pattern)) != '.') { if ($dir == '\\' || $dir == '/') { $dir = ''; } return rglob(basename($pattern), $flags, $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } $paths = glob($path . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR | GLOB_NOSORT); $files = glob($path . $pattern, $flags); if (is_array($paths)) { foreach ($paths as $p) { $temp = rglob($pattern, false, $p . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if (is_array($temp) and is_array($files) and !empty($files)) { $files = array_merge($files, $temp); } else { if (is_array($temp) and !empty($temp)) { $files = $temp; } } } } return $files; } $allWords = []; $files = rglob('en_US.csv', 0, MAGENTO2_FOLDER . '/vendor/magento'); foreach ($files as $file) { if (false !== strpos($file, 'theme')) { continue; } $str = file_get_contents($file); $str = strip_tags($str); $str = str_replace([',','"'], ' ', $str); $words = explode(' ', $str); foreach($words as $word) { $word = trim($word); $word = nl2br($word); $word = strtolower($word); $word = trim($word,"()?#,”`-|%;:.!\"\'{}[]"); foreach ([']','[', ')','(', '\'', '/', '=', '_','\\', '-', '0', '1', '.', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '&', '*'] as $c) { if (strpos($word, $c) !== false) { continue 2; } } if (strlen($word) < 3) { continue; } if (!isset($allWords[$word])) { $allWords[$word] = 0; } $allWords[$word]++; } } asort($allWords); $allWords = array_reverse($allWords); foreach ($allWords as $word => $count) { if ($count < 2) { continue; } echo $word . PHP_EOL; }