Enable Social Sharing Buttons in Shopware Blog

Since social media is one of the most popular marketing channels with millions of people doing business there, it would be a crime not to use them to promote your blog. Furthermore, you don't only need to share your blog posts on social media yourself. Let people do that for you. 

And for that, you need to enable social sharing buttons in your Shopware Blog

To enable social sharing buttons for a blog in Shopware: 

1. Go to Extensions > My extensions, find Blog by Magefan and press Configure

Configure Shopware Blog extension

2. Scroll down to the Social section.

3. Enable AddThis and specify the AddThis ID which you can find in your AddThis account.

4. Set the AddThis Language (e.g. en,fr, de, nr)

Configure social sharing buttons in Shopware Blog

Save the settings and check how the social sharing buttons work by trying to share any blog post on any social media.

AddThis in Shopware Blog

Once you enable social sharing buttons your blog readers will be able to share your blog posts with their friends, thus generating more traffic for you. But that's not it. 

Another way to engage with your audience is by allowing them to comment on your content. So, we encourage you to check how to enable and manage Shopware Blog comments to keep a dialogue with your most valuable readers.