Writing engaging posts for your blog is just one part of the deal. The other is getting those posts crawled, indexed and ranked. That's where XML sitemap comes into play, as one of the most important SEO elements of your store. Although our Shopware Blog extension will automatically add blog pages to your store sitemap, you can still define what pages to add and how often to index them.
In this article, correspondingly, you'll learn how to configure a blog sitemap in Shopware.
To configure the Shopware blog sitemap:
1. Navigate to Extensions > My extension, find the Blog by Magefan and click Configure.
2. Scroll down to the XML Sitemap section and configure the following:
- Choose whether to Enable the Blog Index Page in the sitemap and set a Frequency and Priority for it.
- Enable Blog Categories and set the Frequency and Priority of indexing for them.
- Enable Blog Posts in sitemap and set the Frequency and Priority for them.
Don't forget to Save the settings once you finish. Now your blog pages will be crawled and indexed according to your directives and ranked correspondingly. But don't forget about other blog settings to make the most of it.