If you need to update Shopware Blog Extension by Magefan, please follow the steps below. Note that the update instructions depend on the method the Blog extension was installed with.

Update using composer (Method 1)

If the Blog module was installed via the composer (check if vendor/magefan/shopware-plugin-blog folder exists), then you need to run these simple CLI commands in Shopware directory:

composer remove magefan/shopware-plugin-blog
composer require magefan/shopware-plugin-blog ^x.x.x
# replace x.x.x with the version you want to use
bin/console plugin:refresh
bin/console plugin:install --activate MagefanBlog
bin/console cache:clear

Update using FTP  (Method 2)

If the Blog module was installed via FTP (check if custom/plugins/MagefanBlog folder exists), then follow these commands:

1. Download the latest version of the Blog extension archive from magefan.com.

2. Extract archive.

3. Make the backup copy of the custom/plugins/MagefanBlog folder on your server and then remove it.

4. Using FTP, copy the custom folder from the archive to your Shopware directory. 

Install Shopware Blog

5. Run update CLI commands in Shopware directory:

bin/console plugin:refresh
bin/console plugin:install --activate MagefanBlog
bin/console cache:clear