If you decided to remove Shopware Blog Extension by Magefan, please follow the steps below, also you can contact our team for a free consultation in case you have any issues with Magefan's extension.
Removing file instructions depends on the way the Blog extension has been installed in.
1. If you can find the extension files in the folder
then run the following command:
bin/console plugin:uninstall MagefanBlog
Then remove this folder and run:
bin/console plugin:refresh
bin/console cache:clear
2. If the extension was installed via the composer and its files were located in the folder
then run composer CLI command to remove it
bin/console plugin:uninstall MagefanBlog
composer remove magefan/shopware-plugin-blog
Once extension files have been removed, run these Shopware CLI commands:
bin/console plugin:refresh
bin/console cache:clear