Once you set up a blog on your Shopware store, the traffic to your website to your blog will be coming from the search results. However, it is also important that people who have initially come to see your products can discover your blog too.
So, today you'll learn how to add a blog link to Shopware's top navigation menu with the Shopware Blog extension.
To add a blog link to Shopware top navigation:
1. Go to Extensions > My extensions, find a Blog by Magefan among your extensions and click Configure.
2. Move down to the Category Top Navigation section.
3. Enable the Display Blog Link option and set the Link Text.
4. Choose whether to Include Blog Categories in the menu and set Maximum Depth for them.
Press Save once you finish and go to the storefront to check what the blog link looks like in the top navigation.
If you've decided to include blog categories in the top navigation, there will be a flyout menu with all the categories listed. However, if you want to include only some of them, you should check out the Include In Menu option when creating a blog category in Shopware.