Originally, there is no filter products by category option in Magento 2 product grid. That is a little inconvenient making your search for specific products of some category when you want to update their information. It is not a big deal when you have a thousand products, but what about several thousand?

Correspondingly, the product grid category filter saves a lot of time enabling you to sort products by category in seconds. In this article, you will learn how to filter products by category in the product grid with no code updating. 

You simply need the Magento 2 Enhanced Product Grid that already has this feature. But the category filter is not the only feature you get with this extension. 

Follow these steps to filter products by category in Magento 2 product grid:

1. Navigate to Catalog > Products and press the Filters button.

Magento 2 Product Grid Filter

2.  Choose the Category you want to filter products by in the category filter and get all products from that category listed in the grid.

Filter Products by Category in Magento 2

So, what now? 

You have filtered the products by category since you need to change some of their information. Products are already filtered, but there is still a way to go, from one product page to another changing product values.

Not with the Magento 2 Extended Product Grid.

It allows you to change product attributes directly from the grid. You can update one product attribute or...

Magento 2 Product Grid Inline Editor

...you can update the attributes of all products in the category. 

Update Product Attributes from Grid in Magento 2

Thus, the product grid category filter is not the only benefit. Once you filter products by category, you may bulk update product categories and save plenty of time rather than doing it one by one.