If you have installed Magefan Auto Language Switcher Extension for Magento 2 and don't know how to test it properly, please follow these simple steps:
1. Enable all Magento 2 caches.
All live sites use enabled caches, so make sure that you have enabled all one when testing.
2. Use Developer (Simulate Geolocation).
There is an option in Magento 2 Auto Language Switcher that allows you to test the extension performance.
3. Enable Developer (Simulate Geolocation).
- Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Magefan Extensions > GeoIP Database and scroll to the Developer (Simulate Geolocation) section.
- List your IPs you want to test the auto language extension from in the Allowed IPs field and separate them by a comma.
- Set the Simulate Country you want the developers with allowed IPs will be recognized as visitors from.
Note: you can find your IP in the General section of the Auto Language Switcher (Stores > Configuration > Magefan Extensions > Auto Language Switcher).
4. Clean cookies.
Once you Save the configuration, please clean the browser cookies. Auto Language Switcher Extension detects visitor location only once, and store the results in browser cookies. We made this for better performance and site speed. So that is why you need to clean the browser cookies.
5. Test Auto Language Switcher.
Visit pages in two browsers and see the results.
6. Clear the IPs.
Don't forget to clear the Developer (Simulate Geolocation) fields once you've finished testing.