When running a blog, navigation is one of the most important things you need to keep in mind. It's essential that your readers can browse through your publications easily and find information fast.
offers you an advanced instrument for that — a sidebar. Here you can configure various elements, such as the search form, category tree, related products, tags cloud and more.You only need to press a few buttons to manage the Magento 2 blog sidebar. And today you'll learn how to do that.
To manage the Magento 2 blog sidebar, navigate to Stores > Configuration > Magefan Extensions > Blog and unfold the Sidebar section, Here you'll find all the available widgets. Let's have a look at each of them in particular.
Note: you need to set the Sort Order to determine the position of each widget. The larger the number, the lower the widget is displayed in the sidebar.
Search Form
Here you just need to Enable the search form and specify its Sort Order. Once done, the search