Collecting customer data in your store is a must if you want to deliver a personalised user experience. While you can track some data with default Magento cookies these are hardly enough to reach the goal.
That's when you resort to some services that help you collect more data and install extensions to deliver the message to visitors. But there is no need for so many resources if you can get all of these in one place — your admin panel — using the
.So, today you'll learn how to configure, create and track cookie consents in Magento. On top of that, you'll enable compatibility with Google Consent Mode with only one button.
Ready to start?
Create Magento Cookie Groups
Before you create any cookies in Magento, you should define the cookie groups you'll add them to. For that navigate to Marketing > Cookie Consent > Groups and hit the Add New Group button.
- Specify the group Name and Description that will be displayed on the frontend.
- Make the cookie group
The process of creating blog posts consists of multiple stages: researching topics, looking for the right keywords, drafting a structure and creating content. Although our offers you the best blog management options, you still have to create content yourself.
At least it used to be like that before we introduced the AI Writer that does all the heavy lifting for you.
So, in this guide, you'll learn how to integrate it and create blog posts in Magento using AI in a few seconds.
Ready to start?
Note: AI Writer is available only in the Blog Extra edition.
Configure AI Integration
Before you start creating blog posts using AI, you need to create the integration between the AI and Magento. In our Blog we use the Chat-GPT, so that's what we're going to work with.
Building the integration includes only two steps: retrieving the API keys and configuring the basic AI options.
1. Retrieve API keys
First, create or sign in to your Open AI account and go to the
Nothing makes a blog more dynamic, than lively discussions in the comments. That's how you exchange ideas and stay in touch with your readers. However, you have to create favourable conditions for such communication.
As you know, you can set up the Magefan and Facebook comments in the . But here you also have another option — the Disqus integration. In this guide, you'll learn how to enable it.
To enable Disqus comments for Shopify Blog:
1. Go to Apps > Magefan Blog > Configuration > Post Page (Post View) and find the Comments section.
2. Select the Use Disqus Comments in the Type dropdown.
3. Enter Your Disqus Forum Shortname in the next field. You might need to find your Disqus shortname first.
4. Define the comments section Position for blog post pages. Here you can go for the Default or After Social Share option.
Don't forget to save your settings. Here is an example of the Disqus comments on the frontend:
The configuration steps just couldn't be easier. Once you enable
A blog is an effective instrument for sharing information and tips. But it can work both ways if you let your readers share their experiences. It's exactly what blog comments are for.
offers three types of comments: Magefan, Facebook, and Disqus. Today we'll work with the second option and learn how to enable Facebook comments in the Shopify blog.
To enable Facebook comments for Shopify blog:
1. Navigate to Apps > Magefan Blog > Configuration > Post Page (Post View) and unfold the Comments section.
2. Choose Facebook Comments as a comments Type.
3. Set the Number of Comments to be displayed under your blog posts.
4. Fill out the Facebook Application ID.
5. Specify the Position of the comments which may be either Default or After Social Share.
Once all the fields are set, don't forget to save your configuration. Here is how Facebook comments will be displayed on the storefront:
And that's about it! Once you complete simple steps, you'll get a chance to stay closer to
A blog is an effective solution to maintain your online presence and attract more visitors. Yet, to keep readers engaged, you should also implement blog comments. Comments help you deliver to people's needs better.
What also matters is the option to reply to blog comments in Shopify. Of course, you can do it on the Shopify storefront. But it would be more convenient to reply to blog comments without having to leave the admin panel, right?
That's exactly what the three types of comments, where you have the comment reply option in Magefan Comments.
offers. It comes withTo reply to blog comments in the Shopify:
1. Navigate to Apps > Magefan Blog > Comments.
2. Open a comment you'd like to reply to and press the Reply button.
3. Type your reply in the corresponding field and Save changes.
Now you can see your reply on the storefront:
These are all the steps you need to take to reply to blog comments in Shopify. Everything is done in a few clicks. But that's not it. To operate
Blogging on Shopify requires a lot of time and effort, especially if you have a multi-language store. In that case, you need to localize your blog too.
Naturally, you'll translate Shopify blog posts first. But you shouldn't forget about the blog categories. So, in this guide, you'll learn how to translate Shopify blog categories with the Shopify Blog App from Magefan.
To translate blog categories in Shopify:
1. Go to App > Magefan Blog > Categories and find a category you'd like to translate.
2. Go to a category and click on the Localize button at the top menu.
3. Choose a language you want to translate the blog category to.
4. Translate blog category Title and Content. Use original category texts on the right for reference.
5. Translate blog category URL and Metadata.
Don't forget to Save your category and check it on the front end. That's it, you've translated the blog category in Shopify.
Now when people browse through your website in different store views, they will
If you manage a multi-language Shopify store and manage a blog, you need to translate your content pages too. Not only does it provide a better customer experience, but makes your blog appear in localized search results.
So, today you'll learn how to translate blog posts in Shopify with the Magefan Blog App for Shopify in just a few clicks.
To translate Shopify blog posts:
1. Navigate to App > Magefan Blog > Posts and find a blog post you'd like to translate.
2. Click on the Localize button at the top right menu to start translating your Shopify blog post.
3. Choose a Language you'd like to translate a post to.
You'll see the translation panel with all the content you can translate into a selected language. On the right, you'll have the original post for reference.
4. Translate blog post Title, Content and Short Content.
5. Translate the Shopify blog post URL and Metadata.
Don't forget to Save the blog post once you finish and check it on the frontend.
Each of the blog posts
Magento and Shopify are two quite different eCommerce platforms that often are talked about the most. If you want to move from Magento to Shopify, you need to migrate a lot of data, including blog. And that's the time when one starts searching for an easy and effortless way to do so.
Luckily, we're here to provide it. In this guide, you'll learn how you can migrate Magento 2 Blog to Shopify Blog in a few clicks, literally.
We've created a tool for the most popular Magento Blog extensions. So the same migration steps work if you use Magefan Blog, Mirasvit Blog or Mageplaza Blog for Magento.
To migrate Magento Blog to Shopify:
1. Install the Magento Blog Export to Shopify Blog extension and get the Shopify Blog App from Magefan.
2. Go to App > Magefan Blog > Configuration in your Shopify and find the Key section at the bottom of the configuration page. Copy the export key for later.
3. Move to Magento admin, navigate to Content > Blog > Shopify Blog Export and choose which Magento
Although comments are one of the best ways to engage with your audience and get feedback on your posts, there always are some irrelevant ones. Malicious actions, spam or simple typos could be the reason why you need to edit or delete comments in the Shopify blog.
While you usually need an additional app to edit blog comments in Shopify, you can forget about this with the Shopify Blog App. It already has 3 built-in types of blog comments: Facebook, Disqus and Magefan.
So, if you want to edit, approve or delete comments before publication, you need Magefan comments. Let's find out how you can configure and use them.
How to Enable Blog Comments in Shopify?
To use comments in your Shopify blog, you need to enable them first. For that go to Apps > Magefan Blog > Configuration > Post Page (Post View) > Comments and choose to Use Magefan Blog Comments.
Here you also need to specify the Number of Comments and the Number of Replies to comments you want to allow for a blog post.
How to
Blog comments are one of the best ways to keep your blog readers engaged. They help you to build trust, keep a dialogue with your audience and get ideas for your future blog posts.
Unlike many other apps, which require additional Shopify blog comment apps to enable comments, our Blog App comes with three comment types out of the box.
Today we'll discuss all of them so you can choose which type of Shopify blog comments to choose for your blog.
Shopify Blog Comment Types
Since blog comments are related to a blog post, you can configure them in the Post Page (Post View) section. For that go to Apps > Magefan Blog > Configuration > Post Page > Comments. Here you can disable blog comments or choose which type to use.
Magefan Comments
To configure Magefan comments in Shopify you need to specify the Number of Comments and the Number of Replies you want to allow. If you go with this comment type you will be able to approve and edit Shopify blog comments.
This is how Magefan blog comments
Adding authors to your blog builds trust and increases credibility. People know who is the source of the information and can refer to it when needed. In Shopify Blog App, you can create an unlimited number of blog authors. And that's what you'll learn to do in this article.
Note: this feature is available in the Standard and Pro plans.
Check this short video to see how to create blog authors in Shopify or follow the instruction below:
How to Manage Blog Authors in Shopify?
Before you move on to creating blog authors in Shopify, you need to make sure they are enabled in configurations. For that go to Apps > Magefan Blog > Configuration and find the Author section.
- Choose whether to Display Author Information.
- Decide if you want to Display Author Block at the bottom of the post page.
- Enable the Display Post List by Author if you want to show the author's posts on the author page and chose the Post List Template for it.
How to Create Blog Author in Shopify?
1. Navigate to Apps >
When covering a lot of topics in your blog, you need to find a way to group them, so it is easier to find relevant posts. With Shopify Blog App, you can do it either via blog categories or tags.
Since we've already covered how to create blog categories in Shopify, today you'll learn how to create and manage blog tags.
Watch this short video to track the process, or follow the instructions below:
To create blog tags in Shopify:
1. Go to Apps > Magefan Blog > Tags and press the Add New Tag button.
2. Give your tag a Title and add a description in the Content section.
3. Set Tag status to enable.
4. Specify whether to Exclude a tag page from XML Sitemap.
5. Enter a URL Key for the tag page, specify the Metadata and change the Meta Robots if necessary.
6. Save your tag once you finish and assign it to a blog post.
Additionally, you can enable tag cloud in the blog sidebar. So readers can navigate through your blog using tags too.
Shopify blog tags will be displayed under the
Categorizing blog posts helps to make navigation through your blog easier, especially if you cover different topics. Shopify Blog App makes it even more convenient since you can not only create categories but add them to the sidebar category tree for better navigation.
In this article, we'll discuss it in more detail. However, if you prefer to follow video instructions, jump to the bottom of the article.
To create blog categories in Shopify:
1. Go to App > Magefan Blog > Categories and press the Add New Category button.
2. Give your category a Title and write a description in the Content section.
3. Change the Category status to enable.
4. Specify the Publish Date and End Date. The latter will make a blog category disabled when a certain date comes.
5. Specify whether to Include a category in Menu.
6. Set the Parent category for your category. If a category you're creating is to be a parent category, just leave this field empty.
7. Choose whether to Exclude a category
Creating blog posts is harder than it sounds, and it's not only about the content or keyword research. The tools you use to create a blog in Shopify matter too. In case you're tired of ineffective drag-and-drop page builders and want to create Shopify blog posts easier, you've landed on the right page.
Today you'll learn how to create blog posts in Shopify with a handy Shopify Blog App.
Before you begin working with your first blog post, note that you need to configure the post view. It defines whether certain elements (e.g. related posts, view count, etc.) will be displayed on the blog post page.
Then to add a blog post in Shopify navigate to App > Magefan Blog > Posts and press the Add New Post button. And here's when we begin.
Step 1: Set a Date and Category
The basic Shopify blog post information includes the Status, Publishing date and Category it belongs to.
Once you start creating the blog post, it's in the Draft status. We recommend keeping it this way till you finish creating
Comments are one of the best ways to communicate with your audience. Replying to blog comments not only builds trust but allows you to learn about the topics that interest your readers the most. Thus, it enables you to come up with new topics and be useful for your blog visitors.
In the Shopware Blog Extension you can configure blog comments, choose how many of them to allow for a single blog post and approve them before publishing.
And today we'll tackle everything you need to know about blog comments in Shopware.
Configure Blog Comments in Shopware
For people to leave comments under your blog posts, you need to enable and configure them first.
To configure blog comments in Shopware:
1. Go to Extensions > My extensions, find Blog by Magefan and press Configure.
2. Scroll down to the Comments section and choose Use Magefan Blog Comments in the Comments dropdown.
3. Specify the Number of Comments and the Number of Replies for blog comments you want to enable per one blog post.
Once you set up a blog on your Shopware store, the traffic to your website to your blog will be coming from the search results. However, it is also important that people who have initially come to see your products can discover your blog too.
So, today you'll learn how to add a blog link to Shopware's top navigation menu with the Shopware Blog extension.
To add a blog link to Shopware top navigation:
1. Go to Extensions > My extensions, find a Blog by Magefan among your extensions and click Configure.
2. Move down to the Category Top Navigation section.
3. Enable the Display Blog Link option and set the Link Text.
4. Choose whether to Include Blog Categories in the menu and set Maximum Depth for them.
Press Save once you finish and go to the storefront to check what the blog link looks like in the top navigation.
If you've decided to include blog categories in the top navigation, there will be a flyout menu with all the categories listed. However, if you want to include only
Assigning authors to your blog adds credibility and establishes you as a niche expert. In Shopware, you can create multiple authors, so each can contribute content to your blog.
In the free version of the Shopware Blog Extension, the role of blog authors is performed by the admin user. So, to create a new author for your blog on Shopware, you simply need to create a new user.
To create a blog author in Shopware:
1. Go to Settings > System > User & permissions and press the Create new user button.
2. Fills out the user's First and Last Names, and Email address.
3. Upload a Profile Picture.
4. Give a User name and a Password that will be used to log in.
5. Enable the Administrator option if you want this blog author to be an administrator, though it is not recommended.
6. Select the User interface language and Timezone.
7. Enter the Job title and assign a Role.
Once you Save a user, they will be able to log in to your Shopware admin panel and create blog posts.
However, you wouldn't
Blog tags are used to "label" or link similar blog posts together to simplify navigation through a blog. All blog posts can then be gathered on the same tag page and help readers find relevant content.
With the Shopware Blog Extension, you can not only create blog tags but manage search robots for them as well. And today you'll learn how to do that.
To create a blog tag in Shopware:
1. Go to Content > Blog Tags and press the Add New Tag button.
2. Fill out the General blog tag information.
- Enable your tag and give it a Title that will be displayed on the frontend.
- Create a tag description in the Content section.
3. Manage blog tag Display Settings.
- Choose the Template for the blog tag page.
- Define how many Post Per Page to display.
4. Fill out the Search Engine Optimization section. Enter the URL Key, Meta Title, Keywords and Description and set the meta Robots for the tag page to define how you want it to be indexed and crawled:
Blog categories help you to categorize your blog posts and make it easier for people to find the content they are interested in. Shopware Blog Extension enables you to create an unlimited number of categories and assign multiple blog posts to them.
So, today, you'll create a blog category for your Shopware store.
To create a blog category in Shopware:
1. Navigate to Content > Blog Categories and press the Add New Category button.
2. Fill out the General blog category information.
- Enable the category.
- Give it a Title and Position.
Note: Position defines where to display a category in the category tree in sidebar. The higher the number, the lower the position.
- Choose whether to Include a category in Menu. It defines if a category will be displayed in the top navigation.
- Write the category description in the Content field.
3. Manage category Display Settings.
- Choose how to Sort Posts By: Position, Title, and Publish Date (default).
- Choose a Template.
- Define how many Posts Per Page
Blogging consistently creates a source of free organic traffic and a community of people who share your ideas. That's why blogging is one of the most popular, free marketing tools for eCommerce. So, if you aren't blogging on Shopware already, it's never late to start. And the first step is to install the Shopware Blog Extension.
In this guide, in particular, you'll learn how easy it is to create a blog post on Shopware.
To create a blog post on Shopware:
1. Navigate to Content > Blog Posts and press the Add post button.
2. Fill out the General blog post information.
Here you need to Enable your blog post, give it s Title, assign it to Categories and write blog Content.
3. Enter the Short Content of the post that will be displayed on the blog homepage and other post lists.
4. Fill out Display Settings.
Choose the blog Author and add some Tags related to your blog post. You can also define whether to Include this post in Recent Posts and set a Position for the blog post.
Creating blog posts is not as easy as it sounds. Having a creative idea alone won't yield the expected results. That's why crafting compelling content requires researching, structuring and optimizing SEO.
But most importantly, it requires a tool that allows you to put all of these together —
.In this guide, you'll learn how easy it is to create blog posts in Magento and how to manage them to maintain an engaging blog. We'll cover multiple stages, from creating blog content to design and SEO.
Note: before we start, note that some of the options described are available only in the Blog Plus and Extra.
Create Blog Posts in Magento
The main thing about your blog post is content, no doubt. But the category you add it to and display settings matter as well. Let's go through each of these steps to make the most of your blog post.
First navigate to Content > Blog > Posts and press the Add New Post button to start.
1. Fill out general information
Here you only need to set the