The Basic plan of the Plus or Extra.
allows you to cover the basics — lazy load, JS and CSS modification and merging. However, if you want to cover your website speed to a much greater extend, you need to upgrade the plan toSo, today you'll learn how to upgrade your Google Page Speed Optimizer plan.
Note: if you've already purchased a Basic or Plus plan, contact our team for a custom discount.
Upgrade using composer
First of all, you need to remove the extension you currently use:
composer remove magefan/module-speed-optimization*
Then, proceed with installing an upgraded version. For that, go to My Account > My Downloads and press the Install via Composer button to get the installation instructions.
Upgrade using archive
If the Google Page Speed Optimizer was installed via archive, you need to upgrade it the same way. Just download the extension archive from your Magefan account and extract it.
We recommend backing up the extension folder on your
If you decide to remove Magento 2 Cookie Consent, please follow the steps below. You can contact our team for a free consultation in case you have any issues with Magefan's extension.
Remove Extension Files
Removing file instructions depends on the way Cookie Consent has been installed.
1. If you can find the extension files in the folder
then remove this folder.
2. If the extension was installed via the composer and its files located in the folder
then run composer CLI command to remove it
composer remove magefan/module-cookie-consent
Once extension files have been removed, run these Magento CLI commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands for Magento 2.
Remove Extension Data (optional)
Attention! This will clean all Cookie Consent
If you need to update Magento 2 Cookie Consent by Magefan, please follow the steps below.
Note: the updating instructions depend on the method the Cookie Consent was installed with.
Update using composer
If the Cookie Consent was installed via the composer (check if vendor/magefan/module-cookie-consent folder exists), then you need to run these simple CLI commands in Magento 2 directory:
composer remove magefan/module-cookie-consent
composer require magefan/module-cookie-consent
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Update using archive and FTP
If the Cookie Consent module was installed via FTP (check if app/code/Magefan/CookieConsent folder exists), then follow these commands:
1. Download the latest version of the module archive from
2. Extract archive.
3. Make the backup copy of the app/code/Magefan/CookieConsent and then remove it.
4. Using FTP, copy the app and lib folders from the archive to your
You can install Magento 2 Cookie Consent by Magefan, using composer or archive installation methods.
Do you want us to install and configure the Cookie Consent extension for you? Let our technical engineers do it – check out our installation service.
Installation via composer (recommended)
Please navigate to your Magefan Account > My Downloads > Install via Composer to get the composer installation instructions.
Installation using archive and FTP
- Download Cookie Consent ZIP-Archive from website (not GitHub or other sources).
- Extract files.
- Copy app and lib folder from the archive to your Magento 2 folder.
- In a command line, using "cd", navigate to your Magento 2 root directory.
- Run CLI commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands for Magento 2.
If you decide to remove Magento 2 Google Page Speed Optimizer, please follow the steps below. You can contact our team for a free consultation in case you have any issues with Magefan's extension.
Remove Extension Files
Removing file instructions depends on the way Google Page Speed Optimizer has been installed.
1. If you can find the extension files in the folder
then remove this folder.
2. If the extension was installed via the composer and its files located in the folder
then run composer CLI command to remove it
composer remove magefan/module-speed-optimization
Once extension files have been removed, run these Magento CLI commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime
If you need to update Magento 2 Google Page Speed Optimizer by Magefan, please follow the steps below.
Note: the updating instructions depend on the method the Google Page Speed Optimizer was installed with.
Update using composer
If the Google Page Speed Optimizer was installed via the composer (check if vendor/magefan/module-speed-optimization folder exists), then you need to run these simple CLI commands in Magento 2 directory:
composer remove magefan/module-NAME
composer require magefan/module-NAME ^x.x.x
# replace NAME with:
# speed-optimization - for Basic plan
# speed-optimization-plus - for Plus plan
# speed-optimization-extra - for Extra plan
# replace x.x.x with the version you want to use
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
If you want to upgrade to Plus or Extra, check this guide on how to upgrade Google Page Speed Optimizer plan.
Update using archive and FTP
If the Google Page Speed Optimizer module
You can install Magento 2 Google Page Speed Optimizer by Magefan, using composer or archive installation methods.
Do you want us to install and configure the Google Page Speed Optimizer extension for you? Let our technical engineers do it – check out our installation service.
Installation via composer (recommended)
Please navigate to your Magefan Account > My Downloads > Install via Composer to get the composer installation instructions.
If you decided to remove Magento 2 Full Page Сache Warmer, please follow the steps below. You can contact our team for a free consultation in case you have any issues with Magefan's extension.
Remove Extension Files
Removing files instruction depends on the way the Сache Warmer has been installed in.
1. If you can find the extension files in the folder
then remove this folder.
2. If the extension was installed via the composer and its files located in the folder
then run composer CLI command to remove it
composer remove magefan/module-page-cache-warmer
Once extension files have been removed, run these Magento CLI commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands for Magento 2.
Remove Extension Data (optional)
Attention! This will clean
If you need to update Magento 2 Full Page Сache Warmer by Magefan, please follow the steps below.
Note: the updating instructions depend on the method the Cache Warmer extension was installed with.
Update using composer
If the Page Сache Warmer module was installed via the composer (check if vendor/magefan/module-page-cache-warmer folder exists), then you need to run these simple CLI commands in the Magento 2 directory:
composer removemagefan/module-page-cache-warmer
composer requiremagefan/module-page-cache-warmer
# replace x.x.x with the version you want to use
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands for Magento 2.
Update using archive and FTP
If the Сache Warmer module was installed via FTP (check if app/code/Magefan/PageCacheWarmer folder exists), then follow these commands:
1. Download the latest
You can install Magento 2 Full Page Сache Warmer by Magefan, using composer or archive installation methods.
Do you want us to install and configure the Cache Warmer extension for you? Let our technical engineers do it – check out our installation service.
Installation via composer (recommended)
Please navigate to your Magefan Account > My Downloads > Install via Composer to get the composer installation instructions.
Installation using archive and FTP
- Download Cache Warmer ZIP-Archive from website (not GitHub or other sources).
- Extract files.
- Copy app folder from the archive to your Magento 2 folder.
- In a command line, using "cd", navigate to your Magento 2 root directory.
- Run CLI commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands for Magento 2.
Blogging on Hyva is super easy. You deliver high-quality content fast. However, to make that happen, you need the right tools. Our is fully compatible with Hyva.
Note: compatibility with Hyva is available in the Plus and Extra editions.
Installation via composer (recommended)
- Open command line.
- Using command "cd" navigate to your Magento 2 root directory.
- Run CLI commands:
composer require magefan/hyva-theme-NAME
# replace NAME with:
# blog-plus - if you use Blog Plus
# blog-extra - if you use Blog Extra
# Get your Magento Marketplace authentication keys or use these:
# Username: 7c018006799466c681ad507e27904677
# Password: 289077c86e811661a8f7751828485d3a
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands for Magento 2.
Installation using archive and FTP
- Download the Hyva Blog ZIP archive in your
Although the Basic plan of the Magento 2 Product Labels Extension gives you a lot of advantages you might still need to extend the options. To manage your product labels even better, you need to upgrade your plan to Plus and Extra.
In today's guide, you'll learn how to upgrade your Product Labels plan.
Note: if you've already purchased a Basic or Plus plan, contact our team for a custom discount.
Upgrade using composer
Firstly, remove the extension you currently use:
composer remove magefan/module-product-label
Then you can proceed with installing an upgraded version. To do that, go to My Account > My Downloads and click on the Install via Composer button to get the installation instructions.
Upgrade using archive
If you previously installed Product Labels via archive, you need to upgrade it the same way. Just go to your Magefan account, download the extension archive and extract it.
We recommend creating a backup copy of the extension folder on your server before moving to the next
You can install Magento 2 Product Labels Extension by Magefan, using composer or archive installation methods.
Do you want us to install and configure the Product Labels extension for you? Let our technical engineers do it – check out our installation service.
Note: if you want to install the Product Labels Plus or Extra please navigate to your Magefan Account > My Downloads > Install via Composer to get the composer installation instructions.
Installation via composer (recommended)
- Open command line.
- Using command "cd" navigate to your Magento 2 root directory.
- Run CLI commands:
composer require magefan/module-product-label
# Authentication required (
# Get your Magento Marketplace authentication keys or use these:
# Username: 7c018006799466c681ad507e27904677
# Password: 289077c86e811661a8f7751828485d3a
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website
If you need to update Magento 2 Product Labels Extension by Magefan, please follow the steps below.
Note: the updating instructions depend on the method the Product Labels extension was installed with.
Update using composer
If the Product Labels module was installed via the composer (check if vendor/magefan/module-product-label folder exists), then you need to run these simple CLI commands in Magento 2 directory:
composer remove magefan/module-NAME
composer require magefan/module-NAME ^x.x.x
# replace NAME with:
# module-product-label - for Basic plan
# module-product-label-plus - for Plus plan
# module-product-label-extra - for Extra plan
# replace x.x.x with the version you want to use
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
If you want to upgrade to Plus or Extra, check this guide on how to upgrade Product Labels plan.
Update using archive and FTP
If the Product Labels module was installed via FTP (check if app/code/Magefan/ProductLabel
If you decide to remove Magento 2 Product Labels Extension, please follow the steps below. You can contact our team for a free consultation in case you have any issues with Magefan's extension.
Remove Extension Files
Removing files instructions depend on the way the Product Labels extension has been installed in.
1. If you can find the extension files in the folder
then remove this folder.
2. If the extension was installed via the composer and its files are located in the folder
then run composer CLI command to remove it
composer remove magefan/module-product-label
Once extension files have been removed, run these Magento CLI commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands
Wrong size is one of the common reasons why customers decide to return a product. This leaves a bad impression and discourages customers from buying from you again. The solution? Size charts, since they help people choose the right size before purchasing.
You'll need some help to create size charts in Shopify. That's when the
by Magefan comes in handy.To add a Size Chart App to Shopify:
1. Log in to the Shopify App Store and find the Magefan Size Chart.
2. Click Install on the Magefan Size Chart App listing page.
3. Click Install again in your Shopify admin to authorize the use of the app.
Once you install the app you'll find it in the Apps and sales channel settings section in your Shopify admin.
Note: if you've chosen a paid plan you'll see charges in the next invoice. Magefan issues charges in a recurring manner. To see your current invoice click on the Size Chart App on the list of apps.
4. Navigate to Apps and find the Magefan Size Chart app.
Once you
If you decided to remove Magento 2 Base Price, please follow the steps below. You can contact our team for a free consultation in case you have any issues with Magefan's extension.
Remove Extension Files
Removing files instruction depends on the way the Base Price extension has been installed in.
1. If you can find the extension files in the folder
then remove this folder.
2. If the extension was installed via the composer and its files located in the folder
then run composer CLI command to remove it
composer remove magefan/module-base-price
Once extension files have been removed, run these Magento CLI commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands for Magento 2.
Remove Extension Data (optional)
Attention! This will clean all Base Price configurations.
If you need to update Magento 2 Base Price Extension by Magefan, please follow the steps below.
Note: the updating instructions depend on the method the Base Price extension was installed with.
Update using composer
If the Base Price module was installed via the composer (check if vendor/magefan/module-base-price folder exists), then you need to run these simple CLI commands in the Magento 2 directory:
composer remove magefan/module-base-price
composer require magefan/module-base-price ^x.x.x
# replace x.x.x with the version you want to use
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands for Magento 2.
Update using archive and FTP
If the Base Price module was installed via FTP (check if app/code/Magefan/BasePrice folder exists), then follow these commands:
1. Download the latest version of the Base Price extension
You can install Magento 2 Base Price by Magefan, using composer or archive installation methods.
Do you want us to install and configure the Base Price extension for you? Let our technical engineers do it – check out our installation service.
Installation via composer (recommended)
Please navigate to your Magefan Account > My Downloads > Install via Composer to get the composer installation instructions.
Installation using archive and FTP
- Download Base Price ZIP-Archive from website (not GitHub or other sources).
- Extract files.
- Copy app folder from the archive to your Magento 2 folder.
- In a command line, using "cd", navigate to your Magento 2 root directory.
- Run CLI commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands for Magento 2.
If you decided to remove Magento 2 Admin Action Log, please follow the steps below. You can contact our team for a free consultation in case you have any issues with Magefan's extension.
Remove Extension Files
Removing files instruction depends on the way the Admin Action Log extension has been installed in.
1. If you can find the extension files in the folder
then remove this folder.
2. If the extension was installed via the composer and its files located in the folder
then run composer CLI command to remove it
composer remove magefan/module-admin-activity-log
Once extension files have been removed, run these Magento CLI commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands for Magento 2.
Remove Extension Data (optional)
Attention! This
If you need to update Magento 2 Admin Action Log Extension by Magefan, please follow the steps below.
Note: the updating instructions depend on the method the Admin Action Log extension was installed with.
Update using composer
If the Admin Action Log module was installed via the composer (check if vendor/magefan/module-admin-activity-log folder exists), then you need to run these simple CLI commands in the Magento 2 directory:
composer remove magefan/module-admin-activity-log
composer require magefan/module-admin-activity-log ^x.x.x
# replace x.x.x with the version you want to use
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Note: if you don't want your website to be down during deployment, try these zero downtime deployment commands for Magento 2.
Update using archive and FTP
If the Admin Action Log module was installed via FTP (check if app/code/Magefan/AdminActivityLog folder exists), then follow these commands: