Page 5 - configuration
When you manage an e-Commerce store, you probably have a lot of things going on. Keeping up with every task you have without scheduling is quite challenging. One of those tasks could be publishing blog posts.
Luckily, Shopify Blog App from Magefan offers you an opportunity to schedule blog posts in advance, with just a few clicks.
To schedule blog posts in Shopify:
1. Go to Apps > Magefan Blog > Posts and find a blog post you want to schedule or press Add New Post if you want to create a new post
2. Specify the Date when you want a blog post to be published.
3. Enable a blog post and press Save or Save and Continue Edit if you want to continue editing it.
Note: you can also specify the End Date if you want to disable a blog post automatically at a specific date.
Once blog posts are enabled and saved (with the future date) they won't be visible on the frontend before a specified date. This feature frees you from the hassles of manual post-publication and allows you to plan in
Imagine having to go back and force to fix the title tags, images or any other element of the blog post page once the post is already published. Not very convenient, especially if yours is a high-traffic blog. That's why publishing new blog posts without seeing them on the frontend first might be a disadvantage.
But not with the Shopify Blog App. There is an option to preview blog posts before publication or once they are already published.
Note: this feature is available in the Standard and Pro plans.
Ready to learn how?
To preview blog posts in Shopify:
1. Navigate to Apps > Magefan Blog > Posts and press the Add New Post button.
2. Press Save and Continue Edit once you finish creating your post to see the Preview button appear.
3. Preview blog post before publication.
The secret link to the post will look like this:
You can use the preview option to make sure the content looks as expected
Engaging and informative content helps you to drive more organic traffic and increase your visibility in search. However, for those people to convert and become potential customers you have to make sure your blog is shoppable.
One way to do that is to add links to your products within the post content or write product reviews. The other is related products.
So, in this article, you'll learn how to add related products to Shopify blog posts. Spoiler alert — you just need Shopify Blog App, no additional apps for related products are required.
Note: related products are bidirectional in the Magefan Shopify Blog which means that once you add a related product to a post, that post appears on a product page automatically.
How to Enable Shopify Blog Related Products?
You can add related products to posts while creating blog posts. However, their display is defined by the post view settings. That being said, before adding related products to posts, you should enable this feature and specify
Related blog posts are one of the best ways to encourage visitors to stay on your website longer. Besides, it is a way to offer them to read something they are already interested in, which makes them stay on your blog longer.
Shopify Blog App offers you to add Shopify related blog posts with no additional app required. And today you'll learn how to do that.
Note: this feature is available in the Standard and Pro plans.
How to Enable Related Blog Posts in Shopify?
Before you add any related posts, you have to make sure they will be displayed. For that, you have to check the post view settings, enable related posts and specify how many of them to display.
How to Add Shopify Related Blog Posts?
You can add related posts in Shopify when creating blog posts. Just go to Apps > Magefan Blog > Posts and choose a post to which you'd like to add related posts.
Then, scroll down to the Related Posts section, start typing the name of the article you'd like to add and choose one from the dropdown.
Creating blog posts in Shopify is a breeze if you use the right tools. Our Shopify Blog App allows you to use the feature-rich editor to create blog posts and manage all other blog elements like categories, tags and authors.
In this guide, in particular, you'll learn how to configure a post view page, and the elements you add to it.
Although featured images and blog post content are the main things of the page, you'll also need to set up other elements to promote other posts and products for better engagement.
To configure other elements of the blog posts page, go to Apps > Magefan Blog > Configuration > Post Page (Post View).
Note: some features are available only in the Standard and Pro plans.
Posts From The Same Category
If you want to display posts from the same category on a post page, you just need to enable the Display Posts From The Same Category option. Don't forget to specify the Template and the Number of Posts to display.
Related Posts
Here you have to enable the Display
The blog homepage is the main page of your blog where people land once they click on the blog link in the navigation menu. It is also one of the most important blog navigation pages with all the relevant content.
While post list settings define how the page is displayed, our Shopify Blog App still allows you to configure the blog index page, title and metadata in particular.
To configure the blog homepage in Shopify:
1. Go to Apps > Magefan Blog > Configuration and find the Blog Index Page section at the top.
2. Give your blog a Title and Description that will be displayed on the frontend.
3. Choose a Template for your blog index page.
4. Specify how Sort posts By on the blog homepage.
5. Fill out the Meta Title, Keywords and Description.
Press Save once you finish and check your blog homepage on the frontend.
One more blog element visible on the blog homepage is the sidebar. It helps your blog readers to navigate through your blog and find relevant content using search,
Once you install Shopify Blog App on your store and create your first blog posts, you'll start getting organic traffic from search. However, if you want people who initially come to your store to discover your blog, you need to ensure the blog link is visible in the menu.
So, in this guide, you'll learn how to add a blog link to the navigation menu in Shopify.
To add a blog link to the Shopify navigation menu:
1. Click on Sales channels once you're in the backend and choose Online Store from the dropdown.
2. Move to the Navigation section.
3. Go to the Menus section and click on the Main menu option.
4. In the Main Menu > Menu items press Add menu item button.
5. Give the new item a Name and a Link.
Note: the /a/blog is the blog path by default. If you change the /a/ app proxy and /blog/ paths in the blog permalink settings you need to change them in the menu item as well.
6. Don't forget to press the Save menu button after you add the blog link to the menu.
Once you save the
Blog homepage, categories, tags, archive and search pages are post lists featuring certain posts. Correspondingly, the display of these posts is defined by the post list settings. Our Shopify Blog App enables you to choose between different templates and layouts for post list pages and arrange a certain number of posts there.
Eager to learn how to do that?
To configure blog posts lists in Shopify:
1. Navigate to Apps > Magefan Blog > Configuration and find the Post List section.
2. Choose the Template for the posts list.
3. Define how to Sort Posts By: Position or Publish Date.
4. Specify the number of Posts per Page. If this number is exceeded, pagination will appear.
5. Set the Default Short Content Length.
Note: regardless of whether you specify the Short Content when creating a blog post or not, short content will be limited by the number of characters you set in this field.
6. Set the Short Content End Characters that are displayed in case short content exceeds the
Writing engaging posts for your blog is just one part of the deal. The other is getting those posts crawled, indexed and ranked. That's where XML sitemap comes into play, as one of the most important SEO elements of your store. Although our Shopware Blog extension will automatically add blog pages to your store sitemap, you can still define what pages to add and how often to index them.
In this article, correspondingly, you'll learn how to configure a blog sitemap in Shopware.
To configure the Shopware blog sitemap:
1. Navigate to Extensions > My extension, find the Blog by Magefan and click Configure.
2. Scroll down to the XML Sitemap section and configure the following:
- Choose whether to Enable the Blog Index Page in the sitemap and set a Frequency and Priority for it.
- Enable Blog Categories and set the Frequency and Priority of indexing for them.
- Enable Blog Posts in sitemap and set the Frequency and Priority for them.
Don't forget to Save the settings once you finish.
Speed optimization is one of the ultimate goals of every store. That's why when trying to speed up Magento, you'll definitely come across lazy loading, one of the best ways to optimise images.
For those of you who don't know what is lazy loading, it is a loading technique that helps you to load only images available within users' viewport. This helps to improve page loading and deffer unnecessary resources.
Image lazy load configuration is not that hard but you might sometimes encounter issues with configuring the lazy load of CSS background images. And that's what we'll be working on today.
How Do Lazy Load Extensions Work?
Before moving any further we need to revise the basic principle used in Lazy Load extensions to learn how to apply it to the CSS background images.
By default browser loads an image added in the src attribute of the image tag during page load:
<img src="image.jpg" />
e.g. so if your page has 50 images added the same way, as described above, all of them will
Since social media is one of the most popular marketing channels with millions of people doing business there, it would be a crime not to use them to promote your blog. Furthermore, you don't only need to share your blog posts on social media yourself. Let people do that for you.
And for that, you need to enable social sharing buttons in your Shopware Blog.
To enable social sharing buttons for a blog in Shopware:
1. Go to Extensions > My extensions, find Blog by Magefan and press Configure.
2. Scroll down to the Social section.
3. Enable AddThis and specify the AddThis ID which you can find in your AddThis account.
4. Set the AddThis Language (e.g. en,fr, de, nr).
Save the settings and check how the social sharing buttons work by trying to share any blog post on any social media.
Once you enable social sharing buttons your blog readers will be able to share your blog posts with their friends, thus generating more traffic for you. But that's not it.
Another way to engage
Blog post list pages usually list blog posts grouped by some particular feature — same tag, same category, same time they were published within (archive). In Shopware Blog Extension, you also have this feature and can configure blog post lists.
To configure the post list in Shopware Blog:
1. Go to Extensions > My extensions, find Blog by Magefan and click Configure.
2. Find the Post List section.
3. Specify Posts Per Page which defines how many posts will be displayed on category, tag and archive pages. If there are more posts than the specified number, pagination will be enabled.
4. Set the Default Short Content Length to specify the number of characters in the short description of the blog posts.
5. Define Short Content End Сharacters that will appear if the number of short content characters breaks the sentence.
Save the settings once you finish and check your posts list on the frontend. However, you'll still need to configure the post link on the blog homepage separately.
Even blogs with outstanding content need something to simplify the navigation through the posts. And the role of that "something" usually falls on the blog sidebar. You can include search form, categories tree, recent blog posts, archive, tags cloud and RSS feed widgets to help your blog visitor find relevant content faster.
So today you'll learn how to configure blog sidebar in the Shopware Blog extension.
To configure sidebar widgets in Shopware Blog, first, navigate to Extensions > My extensions, find the Blog by Magefan among your extensions and click Configure. Then scroll down to the Sidebar section.
Search Form
To configure the search form in blog sidebar you simply need to Enable it and specify the Search Form Sort Order.
Note: the sort order option defines the position of this widget in the sidebar. The lower the number the higher the number, the lower the widget will be displayed. It applies to all sidebar widgets.
Category Tree
To configure the category tree in the blog
The Shopware Blog homepage or blog index page is the first page people land on after they click on the blog link in the top navigation menu. That's why, for people to stick around you need to make sure this page is engaging, easy to navigate and informative.
In this guide, you'll learn how to configure a blog homepage in Shopware Blog extension.
To configure blog homepage in Shopware:
1. Navigate to Extensions > My extensions, find the Blog by Magefan among your extensions and click Configure.
2. Specify the Title of the blog homepage that will be displayed at the top.
3. Set the Display Mode to define what blog posts to display on the blog homepage.
4. Select the Posts Sort By method that defines how blog posts will be displayed on the blog index page. You can sort posts by Publish Date, Position or Title.
5. Select the Blog Index Templates.
6. Define how many blog Posts to display per Page.
7. Configure blog homepage SEO and define Meta Title, Meta Keywords and Meta
Since blog posts go through multiple steps before being published, you'll probably need a few people to manage every step. However, instead of allowing each user to access all Shopware Blog sections, you can make only particular sections available to them.
For that, you'll need to create a user role in Shopware and enable certain permissions for them. Not only is it is more secure, but more convenient as well.
To enable access to Shopware Blog pages in the admin:
1. Go to System > Settings > Users & permissions and press the Create role button.
2. Fill out the Basic information by giving this role a Name and Description.
3. Move to Permissions > Content and tick blog sections you want to grant blog authors access to.
Here you can choose whether a user can View, Edit, Create and Delete Blog Categories, Blog Comments, Blog Posts and Blog Tags.
Don't forget to Save the role and proceed with creating blog authors and assign this role to them.
Product page optimization is one task that is never crossed out of the eCommerce TO-DO list. You need to optimize product page SEO, create more engaging images and update product information regularly to keep people coming to your store.
Product attributes, in particular, are essential on the product page since they hold a quick summary of the product details. However, unfortunately, Magento allows you to add new attributes to the storefront only in the More information product tab.
So, in this guide, you'll learn how to display current product attributes in the product short descriptions or any other place on the product page.
You can do that with the Current Product Attribute Widgets that com with the Product Tabs Extension.
Add Сurrent Product Attributes to Product Description
To display current product attributes on product pages in Magento:
1. Navigate to Catalog > Products and chose a product to which you want to add current product attributes.
2. Scroll down to the product
It is vital to keep track of all products you can sell, especially when managing Magento MSI. Magento provides multiple options for that, the most basic being salable quantity. It reflects a sum of items from all sources and allows you to see how many products you have left.
However, there is no way to filter products by salable quantity in Magento. At least, there isn't an easy way to do that since most guides show you how to do it programmatically.
Since Magento 2 Extended Product Grid & Mass Actions Extension offers you this feature by default, we want to share how easy it is to filter products from the admin panel.
To filter products by salable quantity in Magento 2:
1. Navigate to Catalog > Products and open the product Filters.
2. Find the Salable Quantity field, type the number you'd like to filter the salable products by and press the Apply Filters button.
Once you apply the filter, you will see the products with the salable quantity you've just entered in a corresponding
Login as Customer App is an excellent tool if you want to log in to customer accounts in Shopify without any credentials. However, if you don't have the Multipass feature in your Shopify Plan or use the pricing plan of the Login as Customer App that doesn't provide compatibility with this feature, you need to ask customers to grant you access to their account first (Allow Assistance).
So, in this guide, you'll learn how to ask customers for allowing assistance and find an example of the message you can share with them.
To ask customers to allow assistance in Shopify:
1. Ask customers to log in to their account and find the Allow Assistance option under the Account Details.
2. To confirm that they allow you to access their accounts, customers have to enter their passwords in the Allow Assistance popup.
Once customers confirm they allow your assistance, you will see a success message and will be able to log in to their accounts with no creds required.
Note: this access will be granted
are a great contribution to your marketing strategy. They allow you to display or hide certain CMS blocks and pages from different customer groups. But these are not the only restrictions.
Today we'll focus on pages. You'll learn how to enable dynamic CMS pages in Magento and display them under different conditions.
1. Create CMS Page
It's important to note that dynamic pages are not created automatically. They just define how, when and under what conditions to display a page. So start with creating a CMS page. Then find the Display Conditions and Display Rules sections.
2. Create Conditions
You may have various pages on your store, with different information aimed at different customers. However, you may also need to display them under different conditions.
Based on cart attributes
Use cart attributes, like subtotal, shipping country etc, to define whether certain customers can access a page.
e.g. Encourage customers whose subtotal is more than $1000
Google search results are becoming more elaborate than ever to deliver the almost experience to searchers. If you know how to leverage it to your benefit you'll be able to drive more traffic to your store and establish a better relationship with search robots.
HowTo structured data is a markup you use to explicitly tell Google that your pages are how-tos. While it might not be among the most popular rich snippets, it is quite important for content pages if you want to make them eligible for rich results.
Just like any other type of structured data, you will have to add the HowTo markup using JSON or microdata. To save from the hassles of code editing, we've added the HowTo rich snippet widget to the Rich Snippets Extension to help you add it directly from the admin.
Eager to find out how it works?
To add HowTo structured data in Magento 2:
1. Navigate to the page you'd like to add the HowTo markup to and jump to the Content section.
We've added the markup to the CMS page, but it could
Targeting the right people with the right message is a skill you need to develop to succeed in eCommerce. But not without a little help.
is a tool that helps you control the display of CMS blocks and pages for different customers and under different conditions.Today we'll focus on the CMS blocks and teach you to enable Magento dynamic blocks in various scenarios.
1. Create CMS Block
Before we move to the conditions you need to create new CMS block. All the conditions and display settings will be under the block Content once you install dynamic blocks and pages.
2. Set Conditions
If you display content blocks using widgets, you can define what page and place on the page to display a block on. However, you can't choose to display a block only if a product is new, or if a person browsing products or categories has already added something to the cart.
That's what dynamic block conditions cover.
Based on product attributes
If you want to display CMS