If you sell globally you are aware of GDPR which is required in European Union (EU). Cookies notification is definitely annoying and not needed to be shown to people from outside EU.

Magento 2 Cookie Notification

That's why you may want it to be restricted depending on a visitor's country.
In order to restrict cookie popup by country, we recommend to use Magento GDPR extension by Plumrocket. 

Once you have installed this extension please go to Admin Panel > Stores > Configuration > Plumrocket >GDPR > Cookie Consent Notice section. 

Magento 2 GDPR Configuration

Here you'll find the GeoIP Restrictions field and need to choose the country you want the cookie popup to be shown to. You can set it just for visitors from EU countries, for instance.

Magento 2 Cookie Consent Notice, GeoIP Restrictions

Besides, you can add other countries to that list.

Magento 2 Cookie Consent Notice, GeoIP Restrictions

After all of the configurations have been performed don't forget to press the Save Config button and flush Magento cache.

Magento 2 GDPR Configuration, Save Config

Read more about Plumrocket GDPR module features.