Modules in the Magento 2 file structure
Module files in Magento 2 are located in 2 directories.
1. app/code/<VendorName>/<ModuleName>/ 2. vendor/<vendor-name>/<module-name>/
Vendor Name — is the name of the company/person that developed the module. In some cases, the name of the vendor may coincide with the name of the customer's company. Therefore, before developing a new module, the name should be agreed upon. In the examples, we use our name — Magefan.
Module files developed on order or modules from other companies installed via FTP are located in the app/code folder.
The vendor folder contains Magento 2 root modules, as well as modules installed using the Web Setup Wizard or Composer. You will find the Magento root modules in the vendor/magento folder.
Interesting to know:
In the Magento 2 repository (dev branch) on GitHub (, all root modules are in the app code/Magento folder. And all PHP libraries are in lib/internal/Magento.
This structure was used during the Magento 2 development, long before the vendor folder existence and official release. For convenience, this structure is still used on GitHub.
The structure of the Magento 2 module
├── Api // PHP interfaces ├── Block // PHP view classes, in MVC terminology. They contain methods used in .phtml templates; │ ├── Adminhtml // view-classes of the admin panel; │ └── SomeBlock.php // view-class (block) used in the storefront; │ ├── Controller // PHP controller-classes (part of MVC); │ └── Adminhtml // controller classes used in the admin panel; │ ├── Cron // PHP classes, which methods are called when performing cron-tasks;
├── Helper // PHP classes with auxiliary logic. Their methods are used in different parts of the module; ├── Model // PHP model classes (part of MVC); ├── Observer // PHP observers classes; ├── Plugin // PHP classes of interceptors; ├── Setup // PHP classes used when installing, updating and removing the module, allow you to change the data and structure of the database; ├── UI // PHP classes that work with UI-components; ├── etc // module configuration files; │ ├── adminhtml // configuration files that apply only to the admin panel; │ │ ├── admingws.xml // is used for the delimitation of rights at the Store View level (used only in Enterprise version (EE) of Magento 2); │ │ ├── di.xml // plugin settings, virtual types, rewriting models .; │ │ ├── menu.xml // is responsible for building the menu; │ │ ├── routers.xml // route settings; │ │ ├── system.xml // building a settings page Stores> Configuration; │ │ └── events.xml //observers settigns; │ │ │ ├── frontend // configuration files of the storefront;
│ │ ├── di.xml │ │ ├── events.xml │ │ ├── routers.xml │ │ └── events.xml │ │ │ ├── acl.xml // settings for delimitation of rights in the admin panel; │ ├── config.xml // default values for fields in Stores> Configuration;
│ ├── crontab.xml // settings of cron-tasks; │ ├── di.xml │ ├── webapi.xml // REST API settings; │ └── widget.xml // widget settings; │ ├── i18n // CSV localization files; │ ├── en_US.csv │ └── uk_UA.csv │ ├── view // view files: layouts, templates, js, css, html, images, fonts; │ ├── adminhtml // files used in the admin panel; │ ├── frontend // files used in the frontend; │ │ └── layout // xml layout files; │ │ └── templates // phtml-template files; │ │ └── web // static files; │ │ └── css │ │ └── images │ │ └── js │ │
│ └── base // view files used both on the storefront and admin panel;
│ ├── LICENSE.txt // file with the description of the license according to which the module is used; ├── // description of module functionality; ├── composer.json // file that allows to install the module through composer later on; └── registration.php // file that registers the module in the system;
This structure does not have all the possible directories and files Magento 2 module may contain. It only displays the frequently used components of the module.
You can explore the structure of Magento 2 modules on your own. To do this, pay attention to these modules:
- Magento_Cms (vendor/magento/module-cms)
- Magento_Catalog (vendor/magento/module-catalog)